5 Comments for this entry

  • Nancy

    The hole in one is amazing. You’re good. Nan

  • Karen Hawk

    You’ve come a long way, Ira. Seems like I remember you were just getting started golfing when you were playing at the Circle Tavern and were falling in love with the game. You and Warren (Hoover) may have played a time or two…or I could be wrong! LOL! Anyway, congratulations on the hole-in-one!

  • Linda Horvath

    Way to go Ira!!!!!!!!!!!! My Lenny loves golf almost as much as he loves me! LOL I’m starting to play a little and I love it but have a really long way to go! Hope we get to Nashville one of these days before too long! Love to you and Judi!

  • bradley dyer

    its hard 2 believe anybody from norway can get a hole in 1 just kidding . take care
    brad dyer

  • Imelda M.Arris

    What do you mean, anyone from Norway, Maine could not get a ” hole in one? !!!!!
    Maine boys are at the TOP, in ALL projects they overtake!! Especially Ira, cause he is a jack of all trades! Judi has brought him up right, and he can do ANYTHING he thinks he can do! He is the very best in Country music and in Golf too!

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